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რჩეული თარგმანები

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569Source language
თარგმანი მოითხოვს მხოლოდ ძირითადი აზრის გადაცემას.569
English Each small candle
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

Completed translations
German Jede noch so kleine Kerze
Italian Ogni piccola candela
Portuguese brazilian Cada pequena vela
Portuguese Cada pequena vela
Turkish Her küçük mum
Chinese 每盞小燭火
French Chaque petite bougie
Greek Κάθε μικρό κερί
Serbian Svaka mala sveća
Spanish Cada pequeña vela
Danish Hvert lille lys
Hungarian Minden kis gyertya
Chinese simplified 每支细小的蜡烛
Arabic كلّ شمعة صغيرة
Hebrew כל נר קטן
Dutch Elke kleine kaars
Polish Każda mała świeczka
Russian Каждая маленькая свечка
უკრაინული Кожна маленька свічка
Bulgarian Всяка мъничка свещичка
Romanian Fiecare mică lumânare
Albanian Çdo qiri i vogël
Swedish Varje litet ljus
Norwegian Hver litet lys
Finnish Jokainen pieni kynttilä
Czech Každá malá svíčka
ბოსნური ენა Svaka mala svjeća
Croatian Svaka mala svijeca
Persian language هر شمع کوچکی
Japanese 小さなろうそくそれぞれが
Slovak Každá sviečočka
Latin quisque candela quamvis sit parva
Korean 각각의 작은 촛불
Lithuanian Kiekviena maža žvakelė
Klingon Hoch weQ mach
190Source language190
French L’eau est un Privilège, une Chance, un Confort…...
L’eau est l’affaire de chacun...

L’eau est un Privilège, une Chance, un Confort…
Mais aussi, une ressource naturelle de plus en plus rare…
Préservons la ! Ne la gaspillons pas !

Nous vous remercions de l’utiliser avec précaution.

Completed translations
English Water is a Privilege, a Chance, a Convenience...
Arabic الماء امتياز , فرصة , رفاهية. . .
German Das Wasser ist ein Vorrecht, eine Chance, ein Komfort......
Spanish El agua es un privilegio, una oportunidad, una comodidad...
Turkish Su bir hak, bir şans, bir rahatlık ...
Chinese 水 - 給我們特權, 機會和便利
Italian L'acqua è un Privilegio, un'Opportunità, una Comodità
Romanian Apa
Portuguese brazilian A água é um privilégio, uma chance, um bem.
Portuguese A água é responsabilidade de todos
Bulgarian Водата
Dutch water is een privilege, een kans, een weldaad
Russian вода - редкий природный ресурс
Greek Το νερό είναι ένα προνόμιο, μια ευκαιρία, μια άνεση...
Polish Woda
Serbian Voda
Hebrew מים הם פריבילגיה, הזדמנות, נוחות...
Albanian uji ehste nje privilegj, nje shanc, nje ngushelim
Latin Aqua est privilegium, opportunitas, commoditas
Persian language آب یک هدیه است، شانس است، آسودگی است